Banana Fried Ongah

Banana Fried Ongah

Address City of High City, 81900 High City, Johor, Malaysia
Hours of Operation Monday – Thursday: 10.00am – 8.00pm
Friday-Sunday: 9am – 8.00pm
Phone Number +60127459966


Banana Fried Ongah is a great restaurant for breakfast in the City of High. The restaurant has some good reviews and has an average rating of 3.9 out of 5 based on 146 reviews. This place is famous for its best fried bananas.

Based on reviews from visitors, the food here is delicious and the variety is great. The restaurant also provides cavang ice and other desserts. There are many parking lots nearby. However, some visitors say the price of the food is quite expensive, such as 5 fried bananas for RM2. Also, the cake here is packed with staplers, which some visitors find uncomfortable.

Also, despite some negative reviews, many visitors find this restaurant clean and worth a visit for fast food. Some visitors also recommend breakfast comfort here, with delicious and varied cakes.

Overall, Banana Fried Ongah is a great place to have breakfast in the High City. They serve the best fried bananas and other variations. However, you need to pay attention to the slightly expensive prices. The restaurant is also recorded on the Snail River Road, near the Great City Mosque.

See also  Wak Don's Breakfast
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